Doctor Babysitter

Doctor Babysitter
(FX-7 Medical Assistant Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Medical Droid

Droid Cosmetic: Mint Condition

Droid Modification: Doctor Babysitter

Droid Personality: Servant Droid


Owned by: Silent

Prototype: FX-7 Medical Assistant Droid

The FX-7 Medical Assistant Droid is a cylindrical, multi-armed droid designed to look after patient care. It is also designed to perform tests, operate equipment, and recommend necessary medical procedures.

Mint Condition (Droid Cosmetic)

Doctor Babysitter has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though FX-7 Medical Assistant Droid was freshly off the manufacturing line. Absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections, the only thing missing is the new droid smell.

Doctor Babysitter (Droid Modification)

FX-7 Medical Assistant Droid has had its programming altered to fit the needs of Silent. It spends it's time between charges looking up new medical procedures, testing out new cures, and working on basic maintenance in his bigger medical lab aboard the Fearless. This is to insure that even when Silent is not on board, his search for a cure for his wife will not stop. The droid will only stop when medical attention is needed for Silent.

Servant Droid (Droid Personality)

Doctor Babysitter has been programmed to serve its owner without question. Acting much like a butler, Doctor Babysitter will act for the most part in silence, and will adhere to the literal definition of its instructions to the best of its abilities.