(DRK-1 Probe Droid)
Probe Droid
Droid Cosmetic: Black As Night
Droid Personality: Always Watching
Droid Modification: Sensor Upgrades
Owned by: Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
Prototype: DRK-1 Probe Droid
The DRK-1 Probe Droid is a spherical droid used for scouting and repairs. They possess repulsorlifts and a communication antenna as well as shock welders for repair.
DRK-I1A has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this DRK-1 Probe Droid to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.
As it is designed for reconnaissance, the DRK-1 Probe Droid has a natural tendency to watch without being seen. This particular unit though has an greater tendency to observe pretty much everyone and everything around it. Such careful observation can lead it to pick up on things that others might miss. Its nature can, however, be unsettling to both its owner and those around as it will always be lurking and watching everyone. Such voyeuristic tendencies can get it into trouble.
DRK-I1A has had its sensor suites upgraded to significantly increase their range and sensitivity, allowing this DRK-1 Probe Droid to collect and record a wide range of data during scouting operations. These sensors are far more sensitive to jamming interferance and are more prone to damage.