(Marksman-H Training Remote)
Combat Droid
Droid Cosmetic: Functional Disrepair
Droid Personality: The Caretaker
Owned by: Kelviin
Prototype: Marksman-H Training Remote
The Marksman-H Training Remote is a small, spherical droid with micro-repulsors and blasters. It is quick and unpredictable, with power settings ranging from sting to lethal. It was often used in the days of the Jedi to train their younglings and padawans in saber disciplines.
SAFE PROTECT could be said to have seen better days. Looking more like the result of a scavenging run than a fully functioning Marksman-H Training Remote, its plating is missing in several key locations which leaves its internal circuitry exposed. Wiring flows out of the main chassis before snaking its way back under the next panel along its path. Servos and non-critical systems are laid bare for all to see, but SAFE PROTECT retains its functionality despite this.
SAFE PROTECT has developed a personality around the concept of a caretaker. It has assumed the needs of its owner to be its prime directive, even such tasks that have not been requested of it. This results in SAFE PROTECT often flitting about in an attempt to meet any possible task before it is necessary, including menial tasks.