(R3-series Astromech Droid)
Astromech Droid
Droid Personality: The Caretaker
Droid Modification: Functional Fortification
Droid Cosmetic: Black As Night
Owned by: Ghost Edgar Drachen
Prototype: R3-series Astromech Droid
The R3-series Astromech Droid is a successor to the popular line of R2 astromech droids with faster processing abilities designed to fit in the droid socket of any starfighter. It is commonly designed with a domed or tapered code head, with a cylindrical core in addition to a base, retractable tread leg and two main legs. It has multiple appendages and attachments within its compartments, such as shock prods, welding torches, and is equipped with a holoprojector and a periscope that has a probe function which is usable in space.
R3-X2 has developed a personality around the concept of a caretaker. It has assumed the needs of its owner to be its prime directive, even such tasks that have not been requested of it. This results in R3-X2 often flitting about in an attempt to meet any possible task before it is necessary, including menial tasks.
R3-X2 has had specialized system monitoring software installed as well as additional monitoring circuitry that allows this R3-series Astromech Droid to more carefully monitor its own performance and protect itself from minor electrical spikes and fluctuations. This additional protection increases the power consumption by the droid to maintain this safety system, both reducing its operating time between charges and reducing the power output and strength of any installed combat systems.
R3-X2 has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this R3-series Astromech Droid to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.