The Damsels' Flare-S Swoop
(Flare-S Swoop)
Land Vehicle
Speeder Bike
Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic: Sponsored
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Owned by: Seer A'lora Kituri
Prototype: Flare-S Swoop
Slotted in: 2.4 - Cargo Bay
The Flare-S Swoop is a Swoop designed for speed and transport, the Flare-S is larger and heavier than the typical swoop. It has powerful turbothrusters for high speeds and is fairly maneuverable thanks to its forward-mounted steering vanes.
1 pilot
1 passenger
The Damsels' Flare-S Swoop has undergone dozens of color changes during its time as a professional racing vessel. Before a race, it is given a fresh color scheme reflective of the Daegella sisters' sponsors. Sometimes incorporating the logos of manufacturers and organizations, the Flare-S Swoop is otherwise unrecognizable between races to those who haven't followed the Daegella sisters' constant Holonet presence.