MC80 Home One-class Star Cruiser
Space Vehicle
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Starfighter Hangar: Empty
Auxiliary Hangar: Empty
Capital Ship Upgrade: Empty
Owned by: Arx Fleet Systems
Prototype: MC80 Home One-class Star Cruiser
The Home One Star Cruiser is a 1200-meter long Destroyer that is designed to be a front-line warship as well as a starfighter and military troop transport with enough firepower to engage Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has poor maneuverability and great speed, with heavy armor and powerful shielding. Introduced by the Mon Calamari, the MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser gave the Rebel Alliance Fleet a substantial front-line warship to combat the Imperial Navy. While it lacked the firepower of Imperial-class Destroyers, it compensated with triple-layered shields and heavy armor to withstand exchanges against Imperial forces and continues to see use by the Resistance against the First Order.
36 turbolaser batteries
36 heavy ion cannons
6 tractor beams
5,402 crew for full effectiveness
1,200 passengers
20,000 metric tons of cargo
10 squadrons of starfighters
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