Kasula Daegella's Dancer's Outfit

Kasula Daegella's Dancer's Outfit
Type: Armor
Category: Attire

Costume: Dancer (Feminine)


Owned by: Seer A'lora Kituri

Prototype: Costume

Slotted in: 2.1 - Wardrobe

The Costume comes in a variety of forms, allowing the individual to blend in with the style of attire around them. It can range from the elaborate guise, to the simple rags, so long as it obscures the individual's features.

Dancer (Feminine) (Costume)

Kasula Daegella's Dancer's Outfit is a risqué garment that leaves little to the imagination and accentuates Kasula Daegella's physique. It is reminiscent of the outfits worn by professional dancers. Made of translucent shimmersilk or other luxurious textiles, Kasula Daegella dresses in what some would call lascivious taste. She might also choose to adorn herself in ornate jewellery and bangles to complete the outfit.