Ysera Daegella's BlasTech EL-16HFE Blaster Rifle
(BlasTech EL-16HFE Blaster Rifle)
Weapon (Blasters)
Blaster Rifle
Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Sponsored
Blaster Weapon Targeting Enhancement - I: Laser Sight
Owned by: Seer A'lora Kituri
Prototype: BlasTech EL-16HFE Blaster Rifle
Slotted in: 2.2 - Armory
The BlasTech EL-16HFE is a powerful armor-piercing blaster rifle with a high rate of fire, capable of powerful damage even at long range. It is equipped with a mounted optical scope to improve accuracy at long range. The weapon found use by the Resistance due to surplus in the galaxy in their fight against the First Order.
Ysera Daegella's BlasTech EL-16HFE Blaster Rifle has been given a custom paint scheme based on the colors and logos of Ysera Daegella's current sponsors. Decorated with a large logo along the side, every component and surface has been given a pattern reflective of the sponsor's chosen colors.
The top of this BlasTech EL-16HFE Blaster Rifle has been fitted with a laser sight, allowing Ysera Daegella's BlasTech EL-16HFE Blaster Rifle to paint a dot on the target visible to everyone.