T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle

T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle
Type: Weapon (Blasters)
Category: Special Blaster

Size: 2 slots

Blaster Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - III: XAD Omnisight

Blaster Weapon Enhancement - I: Open Reload System

Blaster Weapon Upgrade - III: Overcharged Actuating Module

Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Chromium Plated


Owned by: Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej

Prototype: T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle

The T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle is a long-range ion disruptor rifle capable of disabling starships or killing sentient life forms with slow firing but devastatingly powerful ionized plasma shots with a very long cooldown period after firing. Banned and illegal across the galaxy attaining one can be difficult, but not impossible.

XAD Omnisight (Blaster Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - III)

The top of this T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle has been fitted with an omni scope, allowing T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle to locate targets in darkness or through smoke with infrared and ultrasonic sensors.

Open Reload System (Blaster Weapon Enhancement - I)

The chassis of this T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle has been modified to remove exterior casing and expand the reload chamber, allowing T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle to be reloaded much quicker than normal.

Overcharged Actuating Module (Blaster Weapon Upgrade - III)

T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle has been modified with an overcharged actuating module that alters the electromagnetic accelerator, allowing this T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle to fire bolts of greatly increased power and penetration.

Chromium Plated (Ranged Weapon Cosmetic)

T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle has been coated in a thin layer of chromium, giving it a reflective mirror like finish. It gives this T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle an unmistakable appearance that draws attention and gives an appearance of luxury.