(GNK Power Droid)
Utility Droid
Droid Cosmetic: Property of the Cantor Household
Droid Personality: Standard Issue
Owned by: Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Prototype: GNK Power Droid
The GNK-Power Droid is a bipedal power droid with a box shaped body. It is commonly used throughout the galaxy to provide power to facilities and outposts without a reliable power grid. It is only capable of simple vocalizations, giving it the nickname of "Gonk droid".
GNK-01 has been decorated to appear as a member of Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor's Household. Taking elements from the Cantor family crest, GNK-01 has been painted a deep charcoal grey over its front and back, with the sides being painted forest green. A smaller version of the Cantor family crest has been painted on its upper torso, and its designation is is black stencil upon its back.
GNK-01 is subjected to frequent memory wipes, and has little to nothing in the way of personality. It acts according to its basic programming in an efficient and impersonal manner.