Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle

Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Shuttle

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Battleworn

Space Vehicle Modification: Onboard Luxury Amenities


  • Fire Control Cycler
  • Energy Weapons (Enhanced)


  • Backup Shield Generator


  • Laser Cannon Turret


Owned by: Master Bentre Stahoes

Prototype: Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle

Slotted in: Hanger 84

Wiki link: Bentre Sadow

The Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle is a 20-meter long trihedral foiled Shuttle designed as a multi-purpose transport. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has average maneuverability and great speed, with heavy shielding and armor. Also known as the "Imperial Shuttle", this vessel was a light utility craft in common use throughout the Imperial Navy as a transport for troops and high-ranking individuals. In an emergency, the cockpit could be jettisoned from the main body and travel a short distance at sublight speed.

4 dual laser cannons (2 forward and 2 on the wings)
1 dual laser turret (rear)

2 crew and 1 gunner for full effectiveness
20 passengers
80 metric tons of cargo

Battleworn (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle has seen combat, and it shows, with laser marks scarring the plating on the vehicle, and minor damage in the form of scratches and dents unrepaired since they had no impact on the functionality of this Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle.

Onboard Luxury Amenities (Space Vehicle Modification)

Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle has had its interior converted to provide the epitome of luxury and comfort, befitting Bentre Stahoes's preferences.

Enhancement (1/1)
Hardpoint (1/1)