Z-95 Headhunter - "The Mynock"

Z-95 Headhunter - "The Mynock"
(Z-95 Headhunter)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Starfighter

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Mint Condition


  • Encrypted Computer


Owned by: Sage Enzo Dek

Prototype: Z-95 Headhunter

Slotted in: Minimal Use Hangar

The Z-95 Headhunter is a 17-meter long Starfighter designed to be durable and adaptable as a multi-purpose starfighter. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has average maneuverability, speed, and armor. Already outdated by the time it entered production during the Clone Wars, they were extremely common across the galaxy due owing to their versatility and low cost, finding use among criminal organizations or planetary defense forces.

2 laser cannons (wings)
1 ion cannon
2 missile launchers

1 pilot

Mint Condition (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

Z-95 Headhunter - "The Mynock" has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though Z-95 Headhunter - "The Mynock" was freshly off the manufacturing line. Absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections, the only thing missing is the new vehicle smell.

Upgrade (1/1)