1st Armored Brigade

1st Armored Brigade
Type/Category: Infantry Legion

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


  • 3rd Armored Regiment
  • 4th Armored Regiment
  • 2nd Armored Regiment
  • 1st Armored Regiment "The Old Guard"


Owned by: Clan Odan-Urr

Prototype: Legion

Slotted in: 1st Armored Division

The Legion is a legion strength military unit, typically only deployed in full strength where a sizable enemy force must be overcome in the field, and with the strength on its own as a unit to overcome even well-organized military resistance and control an area of a planet. This Legion includes a Major General as the commanding officer (CO) along with a five officer principal staff and four officer sub-staff, along with a support team of 188 intelligence and communications officers who utilize special droids and technology to improve command and control functions in the field. This additional command layer enhances the interactions between the different regiments and elements that make it up, improving their capabilities and allowing them to perform at a higher level than they would independently. It also has a 76 member security detail made up of hand-picked elite soldiers used if the HQ comes under attack, equipped with blaster rifles and blaster pistol sidearms along with a standard kit of gear. It also includes all the necessary droids and equipment to maintain operations. Each Legion is augmented by 4 Infantry Regiments, the capabilities of which determine the specialized roles the Legion can fill.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Ground Military Unit Cosmetic