HK-model Gladiator Droid

HK-model Gladiator Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Combat Droid

Droid Cosmetic: Silver And Gold

Droid Combat Modification: Advanced Targeting Systems

Droid Modification: Stabalization Enhancement

Droid Personality: Sarcastic Tendencies

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1

Weapon: Empty


Owned by: Nadrin Erinos Arconae

Prototype: HK-model Gladiator Droid

The HK-model Gladiator Droid, also known as the HK Assassin Unit, is a highly advanced combat and protocol droid designed for subterfuge, infiltration, and combat. It has advanced protocols and redundancies that allow it to continue to fight until the very end and serve as an excellent infiltration droid.

Silver And Gold (Droid Cosmetic)

HK-model Gladiator Droid has been altered to appear more as a token of wealth than your typical HK-model Gladiator Droid. Silver paint has been applied to the droid's exterior, allowing for accented gold plating in order to create a contrast and draw attention to the supposed credit value the droid represents.

Advanced Targeting Systems (Droid Combat Modification)

HK-model Gladiator Droid has been equipped with advanced targeting systems, enabling it to acquire targets with greater accuracy than factory a factory default HK-model Gladiator Droid. As a result, HK-model Gladiator Droid has a reduced rate of fire.

Stabalization Enhancement (Droid Modification)

HK-model Gladiator Droid has received specialized programming and upgrades around the operation of its motivators and actuators, that allow for much smoother and subtle movements than a standard HK-model Gladiator Droid. This additional programming slightly reduces the reflex time and movement speeds of the droid.

Sarcastic Tendencies (Droid Personality)

HK-model Gladiator Droid has developed a quirked personality, granting it an inclination towards heavy doses of sarcasm when engaged in dialogue. As a result, HK-model Gladiator Droid comes across as having issues taking direction and developed a reputation for 'snark'.

Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Combat Droid Upgrade - I, Combat Droid Upgrade - II, or Combat Droid Upgrade - III
Weapon (0/3)

This slot is empty