Equite Brotherhood Robes

Equite Brotherhood Robes
Type: Armor
Category: Special Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Matte Black Pattern

Armor Enhancement - III: Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental)

Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - III: Kiirium Coating (Advanced)

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III: Personal Field Disruptor (Basic)

Armor Enhancement - III: Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental)

Special Armor Category: Attire


Owned by: Rowan Dragos

Prototype: Equite Brotherhood Robes

The Equite Brotherhood Robes are attire available to all who join the ranks of the Equite class. It consists of attire designed by the Herald of the Brotherhood as a mark of position and prestige of higher relative prominence than that of the Journeyman. A rank class defined by a collection of experience and accomplishment that spans years of hard work.

Matte Black Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Equite Brotherhood Robes has been designed with a black color scheme. Each component of the armor shares the same matte application of black.

Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental) (Armor Enhancement - III)

Equite Brotherhood Robes has been fitted with a small plasma shield, allowing this Equite Brotherhood Robes to disperse up to ten energy or physical attacks before cutting out.

Kiirium Coating (Advanced) (Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - III)

Equite Brotherhood Robes has been enhanced with a kiirium coating that allows this Equite Brotherhood Robes the ability to disperse immediate moderate damage from heat weapons.

Personal Field Disruptor (Basic) (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III)

Equite Brotherhood Robes has been fitted with a basic personal field disruptor, forming a protective layer around this Equite Brotherhood Robes so that it may pass through low-density shielding unscathed.

Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental) (Armor Enhancement - III)

Equite Brotherhood Robes has been fitted with a small plasma shield, allowing this Equite Brotherhood Robes to disperse up to ten energy or physical attacks before cutting out.

Attire (Special Armor Category)

Equite Brotherhood Robes is Attire and only provides the most superficial of protection. It merely protects Orimis Helix's modesty and stands against moderate weather conditions.