(DUM-series Pit Droid)
Utility Droid
Droid Cosmetic: Red and Gold
Droid Personality: You Really Should Listen To Me More Often
Owned by: Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
Prototype: DUM-series Pit Droid
Slotted in: 0D - Droids
The DUM-series Pit Droid is a cheap, durable model of repair droid featuring the ability to fold into a compact form when not in use. It is bipedal in design with three-fingered pincer hands as well as a hat shaped head with a single photosensor that resembles a large nose. The compact form can be toggled by tapping their "nose".
Dark red paint has been applied to Eddie's exterior, allowing for accented gold-yellow painting in order to create a contrast. This allows Reiden Palpatine Karr to easily spot his droid from among a crowd of others.
Eddie always thinks that he knows better than those around him. He truly believes that he could do a better job and everyone else should listen to his opinions, believing himself to be more important than he really is. A selective and highly subjective recall of past events paints him in a better light and is not an accurate portrayal of how things actually played out. This has resulted in a sarcastic attitude, and Eddie won’t hesitate to let you know what you’re doing wrong and how he could do it better. The droid sometimes has a tendency to second-guess orders but will follow them anyway, however grudgingly that may be.