Doctor Chop

Doctor Chop
(2-1B Surgical Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Medical Droid

Droid Personality: Servant Droid

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I: Built-In Comlink (Basic)

Droid Personality: Analytic Mind


Owned by: Adept Macron Goura Sadow

Prototype: 2-1B Surgical Droid

The 2-1B Medical Droid is a humanoid droid with a translucent torso sheath that leaves many of its internal components visible. This model's arms feature joints designed for exceptional articulation along with servogrip pincers at the end of each limb. They can be equipped with various arm attachments to meet their tasks.

Servant Droid (Droid Personality)

Doctor Chop has been programmed to serve its owner without question. Acting much like a butler, Doctor Chop will act for the most part in silence, and will adhere to the literal definition of its instructions to the best of its abilities.

Built-In Comlink (Basic) (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I)

Doctor Chop has been fitted with a built-in comlink, allowing it to access and communicate over various communications networks without additional gear.

Analytic Mind (Droid Personality)

Doctor Chop has developed a personality revolving around analytics with no room for imagination. This results in a myriad of statistics and rules of logic being delivered routinely. Such a personality can be grating on others, and often is greeted with annoyance.