Mandalorian Speeder Bike
Land Vehicle
Speeder Bike
Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic: Stormtrooper Style
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Upgrade: Empty
Owned by: Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
Prototype: Mandalorian Speeder Bike
The Mandalorian Speeder Bike is a Speeder Bike designed for personal transport, this speeder's small size and low profile belie its powerful engine, which takes up the bulk of its frame. Its center of gravity is located directly under the driver, resulting in an unsurpassed ease of control. It is used by the various Mandalorian factions of the galaxy.
1 pilot
Mandalorian Speeder Bike has had all of its coverings coated in a stark white plastoid alloy in the same style as a stormtrooper, with the rest of the components painted black, giving this Mandalorian Speeder Bike an appearance as though it's wearing stormtrooper armor.
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