Rebel Marine Armor

Rebel Marine Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Medium Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Ghille Suit

Armor Enhancement - I: Sound Dampening Body Glove

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Antares Consolidated Armorers

Prototype: Rebel Marine Armor

The Rebel Marine Armor is a set of armor consisting of a long-sleeved combat jacket, combat pants, a lightly armored vest, and a helmet. The armor is camouflaged befitting a tropical area.

Ghille Suit (Armor Cosmetic)

Rebel Marine Armor has been coated with a variety of twigs and leaves reflecting the local fauna. The design is intended to better camouflage in forested or jungle areas.

Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Helmet Upgrade - I, Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I, or Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - I
Sound Dampening Body Glove (Armor Enhancement - I)

Rebel Marine Armor is equipped with a sound dampening body-glove that allows the wearer to move more silently than they otherwise could wearing this Rebel Marine Armor