ODN Vokara's Grief

ODN Vokara's Grief
(Pelta-class Republic Frigate)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Frigate

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Mint Condition


  • T-65B X-wing Starfighter Squadron

Capital Ship Upgrade:

  • Purified Ascendant Crystal Medical Retrofit


Owned by: Clan Odan-Urr

Prototype: Pelta-class Republic Frigate

Slotted in: O.U.S.C. 3rd Fleet

Wiki link: Odan-Urr United Space Command

The Pelta-class Republic Frigate is a 282-meter long Frigate designed to be highly modular and fill a number of roles within a fleet. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has average maneuverability and speed, with heavy armor and average shielding. It was used during the Clone Wars by the Republic Navy to transport injured Clones to medical facilities, and later during the Age of the Empire by the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire as a rebel ship.

2 light dual turbolaser turrets
3 point-defense laser turrets
3 tractor beams

900 crew for full effectiveness
300 passengers
275 metric tons of cargo

Mint Condition (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

ODN Vokara's Grief has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though ODN Vokara's Grief was freshly off the manufacturing line. Absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections, the only thing missing is the new vehicle smell.