BlasTech A280-CFE Blaster Pistol
Weapon (Blasters)
Blaster Pistol
Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Battleworn Blaster
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Owned by: Research Director Kadrol Hauen
Prototype: BlasTech A280-CFE Blaster Pistol
Slotted in: 02- Ardsie Stesha Stuff
The BlasTech A280-CFE is the core pistol of the A280 weapons system, and with additional parts is designed to be configured into an assault rifle. It features a solid and compact blaster pistol for covert field use that is still deadly in close-quarters combat when the alternative configurations aren't needed for a particular mission. The weapon was favored among commandos of the Rebel Alliance.
BlasTech A280-CFE Blaster Pistol has seen combat, and it shows, with blaster marks scarring the body on the weapon, and minor damage in the form of scratches and dents unrepaired since they had no impact on the functionality of this BlasTech A280-CFE Blaster Pistol.