Deru-B-Malpractice Transport
(Zeta-class Cargo Shuttle)
Space Vehicle
Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Hazardous Warnings
Space Vehicle Modification: Mobile Biocontainment Vessel
Owned by: Magistrate Titius Osseus
Prototype: Zeta-class Cargo Shuttle
The Zeta-class Cargo shuttle is a 36-meter long Shuttle designed to pick up and drop off variable loads of cargo. It features an upper deck that houses the ship's controls and a cargo deck that can be detached and dropped off at a location. It also has four wings that retract inwards when landing and outwards when in flight. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has poor maneuverability and speed, with heavy armor and shields. It saw widespread use by the Galactic Empire in a range of configurations to carry out cargo transport roles in a wide number of projects at countless locations including the Imperial occupation of Jedha.
2 heavy dual laser cannons (wings)
3 dual laser cannons (2 forward, 1 aft)
1 pilot, 1 co-pilot or gunner, and 1 gunner for full effectiveness
100 metric tons of cargo
Deru-B-Malpractice Transport has been plastered with universal hazard symbols representing biohazardous materials transport over a standard grey base. The symbols will attract additional scrutiny at most ports and may incur additional restrictions for available docking areas.
The Zeta-class has been equipped with a Mobile Biocontainment Vessel in its cargo deck. Outfitted with the highest level of containment seals, the vessel can be outfitted to hold a sterile surgical suite, a laboratory or even a containment cell. Due to the high power draw, the vessel can only detach from the main ship for mere hours, after which it must dock again or be fed with external power plant.