KX-series Security Droid

KX-series Security Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Combat Droid

Droid Cosmetic: Black As Night

Droid Personality: The Caretaker

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I: Built-In Comlink (Basic)

Combat Droid Upgrade - II: Improved Targeting Systems (Basic)


  • Armory E-11 Blaster Rifle


Owned by: Knight Jovian Grey

Prototype: KX-series Security Droid

The KX-series Security droid, also known as an enforcer droid, is a security droid designed for use by the Galactic Empire. It comes fitted with a comm package, recharge port and computer interface arm that allows them to connect to communication frequencies in respective areas they were assigned across the galaxy. It has a tall and versatile humanoid bipedal design that gives it great versatility and provides the ability to operate a multitude of vehicles or assist in a wide range of tasks designed for humanoids.

Black As Night (Droid Cosmetic)

KX-series Security Droid has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this KX-series Security Droid to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.

The Caretaker (Droid Personality)

KX-series Security Droid has developed a personality around the concept of a caretaker. It has assumed the needs of its owner to be its prime directive, even such tasks that have not been requested of it. This results in KX-series Security Droid often flitting about in an attempt to meet any possible task before it is necessary, including menial tasks.

Built-In Comlink (Basic) (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I)

KX-series Security Droid has been fitted with a built-in comlink, allowing it to access and communicate over various communications networks without additional gear.

Improved Targeting Systems (Basic) (Combat Droid Upgrade - II)

This KX-series Security Droid has been augmented with a slightly better targeting system, allowing KX-series Security Droid to track and acquire targets at a slightly greater rate than a standard KX-series Security Droid.