Dark Armor

Dark Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Medium Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Matte Black Pattern

Armor Enhancement - III: Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental)

Armor Enhancement - III: Optical Camouflage System (Basic)

Armor Helmet Upgrade - III: Environmental Filtration System (Advanced)

Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I: Armorweave Construction

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III: Bio-Support Dispenser


Owned by: Lucine Vasano

Prototype: Dark Armor

The Dark Armor is one of the more prolific traditions of the Dark Side of the Force. Each set is uniquely crafted with a variety of enhancements suited to the individual's needs.

Matte Black Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Dark Armor has been designed with a black color scheme. Each component of the armor shares the same matte application of black.

Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental) (Armor Enhancement - III)

Dark Armor has been fitted with a small plasma shield, allowing this Dark Armor to disperse up to ten energy or physical attacks before cutting out.

Optical Camouflage System (Basic) (Armor Enhancement - III)

Dark Armor has been fitted with an experimental optical camouflage generation system, allowing this Dark Armor to hide from the naked eye and visual sensors by being rendered invisible. To maintain this, the user of Dark Armor must remain completely still.

Environmental Filtration System (Advanced) (Armor Helmet Upgrade - III)

The helmet of this Dark Armor has been fitted with an advanced environmental filtration system, allowing it to filter out microscopic particles including viral and subatomic toxin based gasses.

Armorweave Construction (Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I)

Dark Armor has been constructed using a lightweight armorweave, providing it with a little additional protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Dark Armors.

Bio-Support Dispenser (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III)

Dark Armor has been fitted with high-tech medical technology and a bacta reserve, allowing this Dark Armor to patch minor wounds in the middle of combat and seal general injuries after combat.