EV Supervisor Droid

EV Supervisor Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Protocol Droid

Droid Personality: The Caretaker

Droid Modification: Memory Upgrade

Droid Cosmetic: Splash Of Color


Owned by: Utilis Innovations

Prototype: EV Supervisor Droid

The EV Supervisor Droid is a protocol droid featuring a tall humanoid chassis with thin skeleton-like arms and legs and a series of three photoreceptors on the head. It is manufactured by MerenData and specifically designed to oversee droid pools and manage droid work forces, with specialized programming and knowledge of all known droid models in the galaxy and each of their unique programming.

The Caretaker (Droid Personality)

EV Supervisor Droid has developed a personality around the concept of a caretaker. It has assumed the needs of its owner to be its prime directive, even such tasks that have not been requested of it. This results in EV Supervisor Droid often flitting about in an attempt to meet any possible task before it is necessary, including menial tasks.

Memory Upgrade (Droid Modification)

EV Supervisor Droid has had additional memory installed that increases its computing power. This allows it to perform complex analytical operations at a marginally faster rate, but limits the ability to further customize the EV Supervisor Droid in any other way.

Splash Of Color (Droid Cosmetic)

EV Supervisor Droid makes a mark that is immediately apparent upon first setting eyes upon it. Looking like the victim of an explosion of color, EV Supervisor Droid is covered in multi-hued designs and patterns utilizing as many variations as possible. While appearing to be random upon first glance, there is a certain uniformity to the chaotic display of the artist.