KX-W4D "Ward"
(KX-series Security Droid)
Combat Droid
Combat Droid Upgrade - II: Embedded Shield Generator (Basic)
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 3
Weapon: Empty
Owned by: Lord Halcyon
Prototype: KX-series Security Droid
Slotted in: Droids
The KX-series Security droid, also known as an enforcer droid, is a security droid designed for use by the Galactic Empire. It comes fitted with a comm package, recharge port and computer interface arm that allows them to connect to communication frequencies in respective areas they were assigned across the galaxy. It has a tall and versatile humanoid bipedal design that gives it great versatility and provides the ability to operate a multitude of vehicles or assist in a wide range of tasks designed for humanoids.
KX-W4D "Ward" has been modified with a basic shield generator inside its chassis, allowing this KX-series Security Droid to absorb 2-3 direct hits from a blaster or bladed weapon before taking damage. This shield is not lightsaber resistant.
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