(TC-series Protocol Droid)
Protocol Droid
Droid Personality: Analytic Mind
Droid Cosmetic: Shiny And Chrome
Droid Modification: Light-Alloy Frame
Owned by: Remurr Hijaa
Prototype: TC-series Protocol Droid
The TC-series Protocol Droid is a protocol droid designed with a specialized vocabulator and an encyclopedic knowledge of languages and cultural information. It possesses a standardized humanoid design, available in a wide array of colors but all possessing the same basic form with its notably restrained range of movement. It also possesses a more advanced VerboBrain than the common 3PO-series that enables it to quickly analyze new languages and translate them into more well-known ones.
TC-TR34T3 has developed a personality revolving around analytics with no room for imagination. This results in a myriad of statistics and rules of logic being delivered routinely. Such a personality can be grating on others, and often is greeted with annoyance.
There can be no mistaking TC-TR34T3 for any other TC-series Protocol Droid. The droid's plating has been painstakingly coated in an application of chrome. The resulting appearance is a highly reflective silver coating that runs the risk of showing each and every minor scratch it endures.
TC-TR34T3 has been modified from standard design parameters to be fitted with a lighter frame. As a result, when compared side by side with the standard TC-series Protocol Droid, TC-TR34T3 is found to be less durable while able to move at an increased rate.