(KX-series Security Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Combat Droid

Droid Structural Upgrade - I: Automated Repair (Basic)

Droid Personality: Sunny Disposition

Droid Cosmetic: Functional Disrepair

Combat Droid Upgrade - II: Combat Pilot Protocols

Weapon: Empty


Owned by: Mystic Kor Vaal

Prototype: KX-series Security Droid

The KX-series Security droid, also known as an enforcer droid, is a security droid designed for use by the Galactic Empire. It comes fitted with a comm package, recharge port and computer interface arm that allows them to connect to communication frequencies in respective areas they were assigned across the galaxy. It has a tall and versatile humanoid bipedal design that gives it great versatility and provides the ability to operate a multitude of vehicles or assist in a wide range of tasks designed for humanoids.

Automated Repair (Basic) (Droid Structural Upgrade - I)

A basic automated repair system has been installed on this KX-series Security Droid, giving it an ability to perform or assist in the performance of self-diagnosis and self-repair of its mechanical systems. This system renders the droid temporarily unavailable while it assesses any necessary repairs before further action can be taken.

Sunny Disposition (Droid Personality)

A fault in K-Y0N's programming has caused it to approach every situation with a positive outlook and a sense of wonderment, even when being attacked or sustaining damage. This attitude can be infuriating to those around it at the best of times, especially in highly stressful situations such as combat.

Functional Disrepair (Droid Cosmetic)

K-Y0N could be said to have seen better days. Looking more like the result of a scavenging run than a fully functioning KX-series Security Droid, its plating is missing in several key locations which leaves its internal circuitry exposed. Wiring flows out of the main chassis before snaking its way back under the next panel along its path. Servos and non-critical systems are laid bare for all to see, but K-Y0N retains its functionality despite this.

Combat Pilot Protocols (Combat Droid Upgrade - II)

This KX-series Security Droid has had most of its combat protocols wiped and replaced with piloting protocols, providing K-Y0N with the astrogation ability to serve as a basic combat pilot or gunner.

Weapon (0/2)

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