
Type: Weapon (Bladed)
Category: Sword

Bladed Weapon Enhancement - II: Quadranium Edge

Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - II: Ion Cell

Melee Weapon Cosmetic: Blood Red

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Dr. Work't

Prototype: Electro-sword

Slotted in: Jim

The Electro-sword is a bladed weapon with a resonating blue electric current surrounding the blade capable of delivering an electric shock when activated on the weapon's hilt. It has a short blade that allows it to effortlessly be wielded single handedly.

Quadranium Edge (Bladed Weapon Enhancement - II)

Electro-sword has been fitted with a quadranium blade, making this Electro-sword incredibly durable and resilient while allowing for very substantial injuries.

Ion Cell (Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - II)

The handle on this Electro-sword has been fitted with an ion cell, allowing Electro-sword to discharge ions along the cutting edge of the blade and deal greater damage to droids or electrical components.

Blood Red (Melee Weapon Cosmetic)

Electro-sword has a crimson red color, making this Electro-sword stand out as an accessory to any ensemble, while making it difficult without close examination to tell if the weapon has an blood on it.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Poison Weapon