BB-10Z "Tenz"

BB-10Z "Tenz"
(BB Unit "Resistance Edition" Astromech Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Astromech Droid

Astromech Droid Upgrade - III: Improved Astrogation (Advanced)

Droid Structural Upgrade - II: Waterproofing (Basic)

Droid Cosmetic: Cyan and Gold

Droid Personality: Delusions Of Grandeur

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I: Electro-Shock Prod


Owned by: Research Director Kadrol Hauen

Prototype: BB Unit "Resistance Edition" Astromech Droid

Slotted in: 01- Kadrol Stuff

The BB Unit Resistance Astromech Droid is a variant of the BB Unit Astromech Droid that has been heavily modified and upgraded by the Resistance in their conflict with the First Order.

Improved Astrogation (Advanced) (Astromech Droid Upgrade - III)

This BB Unit "Resistance Edition" Astromech Droid has greatly improved astrogation programming, allowing it to perform incredibly more complex maneuvers and store additional hyperspace coordinates or jumps within its memory.

Waterproofing (Basic) (Droid Structural Upgrade - II)

BB-10Z "Tenz" has been fitted with basic waterproof seals on its joints and openings, allowing this BB Unit "Resistance Edition" Astromech Droid to be submerged in water without suffering catastrophic damage

Cyan and Gold (Droid Cosmetic)

BB-10Z "Tenz" is coated in a base color of imperial gray with cyan accents. Around the edges of the accents is a gold trim, which gives the accents a certain ‘pop’.

Delusions Of Grandeur (Droid Personality)

BB-10Z "Tenz" has developed an obsessive personality centered around the concept of self-improvement. BB-10Z "Tenz" truly believes itself to be superior to any other BB Unit "Resistance Edition" Astromech Droid and capable of accomplishing great feats. This drive aids it in accomplishing its tasks, but sometimes will result in unexpected additional outcomes.

Electro-Shock Prod (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I)

This BB Unit "Resistance Edition" Astromech Droid has been fitted with a small extendable electro-shock prod, enabling it to stun or shock enemy targets within melee distance.