Double-bladed Lightsaber
Weapon (Lightsaber)
Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - II: Reflex Grip
Double-bladed Lightsaber Cosmetic: Dossier
Lightsaber Enhancement - I: Environmental Adaption Kit
Lightsaber Focusing Crystal:
Owned by: Azmodius Equesinfernum
Prototype: Double-bladed Lightsaber
The Double-bladed Lightsaber, or Saberstaff, is a lightsaber weapon with a blade emitting from both ends of the hilt. Both plasma blades were powered by crystals in the hilt that determined their characteristics and color. The twin blades double the opportunity for both attacking and defending, making it a useful offensive and defensive weapon depending on the skill of the one who wields it. Both blades are capable of cutting through virtually anything, including blast doors, if given enough time.
This lightsaber has been built with a reflex grip, allowing the wielder to quickly adjust to changes in combat and provide an edge when parrying or deflecting.
See snapshot image.
This attachment allows a weapon to resist the effects of a specific environment, such as ionization or acid rain which may damage the functions of the weapon.