Clone Katarn-class Commando Armor

Clone Katarn-class Commando Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Armor Enhancement - III: Sensor Telemetry Pod

Armor Helmet Upgrade - III: Multi-Frequency Target Acquisition System

Armor Enhancement - II: Ready Harness

Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - II: Durasteel Construction

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III: Reflec Adaptive Coating

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Colonel Len Iode

Prototype: Clone Katarn-class Commando Armor

Slotted in: Len's Duds

The Clone Katarn-class Commando Armor is an advanced variant on Clone Armor, providing better protection by utilizing a special composition and novel chemical properties in its armor plates. Designed for use by Clone Commandos during the Clone Wars, the armor is highly customizable for the unique requirements of the individual user.

Sensor Telemetry Pod (Armor Enhancement - III)

Clone Katarn-class Commando Armor has been fitted with an integrated sensor telemetry pod emitting active signals programmed to bounce and return, providing accurate environmental data to feed to the user's Multi-Frequency Target Acquisition System should they have one, and back to a command center through encrypted telemetry.

Multi-Frequency Target Acquisition System (Armor Helmet Upgrade - III)

The helmet of this Clone Katarn-class Commando Armor has been fitted with a Multi-Frequency Target Acquisition System (MFTAS), allowing the user to track and scan for multiple enemy targets. The MFTAS can calculate the outcomes of various tactics in a compressed time via computer models. Telemetry data including atmospheric conditions, the user's ammo count, unit member distance and individual ID tags, firing solutions, and tactical information is displayed around the peripheral of the user's field range for ease of use while keeping the center view unobstructed.

Ready Harness (Armor Enhancement - II)

The chest of this Clone Katarn-class Commando Armor has been fitted with a ready harness, allowing equipment to be more easily accessible and its weight more comfortably distributed around the armor on the wearer's frame through a series of hooks, straps, and clips.

Durasteel Construction (Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - II)

This Clone Katarn-class Commando Armor has been constructed using heavy durasteel alloy, providing it with heavy protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Clone Katarn-class Commando Armors.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Armor Cosmetic
Reflec Adaptive Coating (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III)

This Clone Katarn-class Commando Armor has been coated in a specialized adaptive Reflec coating, both absorbing light and sensor pings to better blend with darkness and assist in avoiding sensor scans.