Durasteel Collar

Durasteel Collar
(Family Heirloom)
Type/Category: Accessory

Family Heirloom: Durasteel Collar


Owned by: Master Mune Cinteroph

Prototype: Family Heirloom

Slotted in: Mune's Gear

The Family Heirloom is a cherished item passed down through generation after generation of the owner's lineage.

Durasteel Collar (Family Heirloom)

Durasteel Collar is a solid steel ring with a single hinge and the opening clasped shut by a single locking screw. This makes the collar difficult to remove, though Mune Cinteroph has not been known to ever remove the item. The collar has a single tag that dangles, with a simple engraving of someone's name on the back. The durasteel is of a quality that the collar will not tarnish or rust.