
(ID9 Seeker Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Probe Droid

Droid Cosmetic: Splash Of Color

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I: Built-In Comlink (Basic)

Droid Personality: Old Habits


Owned by: Lord Marick Tyris Arconae

Prototype: ID9 Seeker Droid

Slotted in: 03 - Zig's Gear

The ID9 Seeker Droid is a model of probe droid consisting of a half-hemisphere dome with a red photoreceptor. It is equipped with four tentacle-like limbs with pincer hands, electro-shock prods, and a blaster. Additionally, they were capable of both hovering and crawling, as well as imitating the sounds of other droid models.

Splash Of Color (Droid Cosmetic)

Scooter makes a mark that is immediately apparent upon first setting eyes upon it. Looking like the victim of an explosion of color, Scooter is covered in multi-hued designs and patterns utilizing as many variations as possible. While appearing to be random upon first glance, there is a certain uniformity to the chaotic display of the artist.

Built-In Comlink (Basic) (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I)

Scooter has been fitted with a built-in comlink, allowing it to access and communicate over various communications networks without additional gear.

Old Habits (Droid Personality)

Despite reprogramming, Scooter still has an inherent drive and desire to observe and analyze things that he is not usually be supposed to be...observing. This voyeuristic tendency makes Skeeter a bit "nosy" for a droid, but his loyalty to his master and desire to listen to her help keeps him focused on the tasks at hand.