BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower

BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower
Type: Weapon (Miscellaneous)
Category: Incendiary Weapon

Size: 2 slots

Incendiary Weapon Targeting Enhancement - III: Droid Targetting System

Incendiary Weapon Enhancement - II: Gyrostabilizer

Incendiary Weapon Ammunition - I: High-Pressure Flame Thrower

Incendiary Weapon Upgrade - II: Improved Fuel Cell

Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Mint Condition


Owned by: Antei Armaments

Prototype: BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower

The BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower is a large incendiary weapon that produces a burning stream of liquid when fired in a cone of fire nine meters long and nine meters in diameter, capable of one minute of sustained fire alone but easily extended by attaching an external fuel source.

Droid Targetting System (Incendiary Weapon Targeting Enhancement - III)

BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower has been modified with a droid targeting system, greatly increasing the aiming of this BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower using a droid brain chip and a series of gyros.

Gyrostabilizer (Incendiary Weapon Enhancement - II)

The underside of this BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower has been fitted with a gyrostabilizer, making BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower feel lighter through the use of repulsorlift engines and allowing it to be used independently without a fixed emplacement.

High-Pressure Flame Thrower (Incendiary Weapon Ammunition - I)

The ammunition on this {{original_item_name)) has been swapped with a highly pressurized flame propellent, allowing BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower to nearly double the range of its flames

Improved Fuel Cell (Incendiary Weapon Upgrade - II)

This BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower has been fitted with an improved fuel cell, allowing BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower to fire a cone of propellent for a prolonged period of time.

Mint Condition (Ranged Weapon Cosmetic)

BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though BT X-42 Heavy Flamethrower was freshly off the manufacturing line. It is absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections.