Casual Attire

Casual Attire
Type: Armor
Category: Attire

Casual Attire: Greasemonkey


Owned by: Kaz Raith

Prototype: Casual Attire

Slotted in: Celia's wardrobe

The Casual Attire is the most common armor available. It is light, informal, and exceptionally easy to move in. This armor prioritizes function over form.

Greasemonkey (Casual Attire)

Casual Attire is a sturdy set of clothing for those days when you have to get into the mess. Kaz Raith will be covered with a dark gray and orange overall, worn over a simple dark brown tanktop. Kaz Raith wears a set of fashionably sports shoes for comfort. A cap featuring the logo of his favorite Holoball team is also worn. A utility pouch belt hangs around his waist, useful for holding tools and small items.