Rebel SpecForce Armor

Rebel SpecForce Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Medium Armor

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II: Vacuum/Zero-G Seal

Armor Enhancement - II: Ion Hardened

Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - II: Plasteel Construction

Armor Cosmetic: Born to the Purple


Owned by: Nikora Rhan

Prototype: Rebel SpecForce Armor

Slotted in: Ka Tarvitz's Equipment

The Rebel SpecForce Armor is a set of near skintight armor that covers the entirety of the individual. The plating of the armor is thin to allow flexibility with a thin suit worn underneath. The armor includes a utility belt and emergency life-support systems. The helmet is similar in design to Clone Trooper armor, possessing a thin slit for the visor.

Vacuum/Zero-G Seal (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II)

This Rebel SpecForce Armor has been fitted with various zero-g/vacuum seals complete with helmet scrubbers, allowing the user the ability to operate in zero-g environments and the vacuum of space while providing them with a limited supply of breathable air.

Ion Hardened (Armor Enhancement - II)

Rebel SpecForce Armor has been fitted with an ion hardening system, protecting the power generator and cells of this armor from shutting off due to ion damage.

Plasteel Construction (Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - II)

Rebel SpecForce Armor has been constructed using plasteel, providing it with medium additional protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Rebel SpecForce Armors.

Born to the Purple (Armor Cosmetic)

This armour has been designed with a colour scheme of various shades of purple. While bereft of emblems or insignia, every effort has been made to resemble ceremonial garb or a regal attire.