Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor

Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Armor Enhancement - II: Ready Harness

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II: Life Support System

Armor Helmet Upgrade - I: Helmet Floodlight

Armor Cosmetic: Matte Black Pattern


Owned by: Specialist Titius Osseus

Prototype: Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor

Slotted in: Armour Closet

The Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor is an aquatic variant on the Clone Trooper armor. While including the distinctive fin helmet design, this armor is completely pressurized with a rebreather life-support system running from the helmet to its backpack. It also includes underwater propulsion jets and flipper extensions on the boots, while the helmet had powerful built-in sensors and lenses that allowed pierce through potentially cloudy waters to clearly see enemies.

Ready Harness (Armor Enhancement - II)

The chest of this Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor has been fitted with a ready harness, allowing equipment to be more easily accessible and its weight more comfortably distributed around the armor on the wearer's frame through a series of hooks, straps, and clips.

Life Support System (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II)

Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor has been fitted with a full life support system suite, ensuring that at all times the wearer's body receives enough vital nutrients for a finite amount of time.

Helmet Floodlight (Armor Helmet Upgrade - I)

The helmet on this Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor has been fitted with a small floodlight, allowing the user to illuminate a small area in front of them.

Matte Black Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Clone SCUBA Trooper Armor has been designed with a black color scheme. Each component of the armor shares the same matte application of black.