"Jean-Luc" SE-2 Worker Droid

"Jean-Luc" SE-2 Worker Droid
(SE-2 Worker Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Utility Droid

Droid Personality: The Caretaker

Droid Cosmetic: Mint Condition


Owned by: Amon Nihilus Judas

Prototype: SE-2 Worker Droid

The SE-2 Worker Droid is a humanoid droid used for general labor use. They are loose-jointed and versatile making the droid ideal for simple repairs of a wide range of equipment and carrying out various tasks in support of humanoids.

The Caretaker (Droid Personality)

"Jean-Luc" SE-2 Worker Droid has developed a personality around the concept of a caretaker. It has assumed the needs of its owner to be its prime directive, even such tasks that have not been requested of it. This results in "Jean-Luc" SE-2 Worker Droid often flitting about in an attempt to meet any possible task before it is necessary, including menial tasks.

Mint Condition (Droid Cosmetic)

"Jean-Luc" SE-2 Worker Droid has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though SE-2 Worker Droid was freshly off the manufacturing line. Absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections, the only thing missing is the new droid smell.