Mandalorian Guard Armor
Heavy Armor
Armor Helmet Upgrade - II: Environmental Filtration System (Basic)
Armor Cosmetic: Urban Camo
Armor Enhancement - II: Boot Blade
Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - II: Durasteel Construction
Owned by: Knight Jovian Grey
Prototype: Mandalorian Guard Armor
Constructed out of Durasteel, the Mandalorian Guard Armor is a variant of traditional Mandalorian Armor, but lacking in full body armor. While possessing the same chestplate, pauldrons, gauntlets, and shin guards, the iconic T-visor is missing. In its place, the helmet leaves the mouth exposed and visible, while a face guard that can be raised and lowered protects the upper face.
The helmet of this Mandalorian Guard Armor has been fitted with an environmental filtration system, allowing it to filter and prevent harmful smoke and toxins from entering it.
Mandalorian Guard Armor has been designed with an urban scheme camouflage. Each component of the armor has been applied with a mingled pattern of gray tones to better blend with an urban environment.
A boot on this Mandalorian Guard Armor has been fitted with a small and retractable blade, allowing the wearer of Mandalorian Guard Armor to deliver a stealthy blow using the wearer's Bladed Weapons skill.
This Mandalorian Guard Armor has been constructed using heavy durasteel alloy, providing it with heavy protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Mandalorian Guard Armors.