First Order Stormtrooper Armor

First Order Stormtrooper Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 3


Owned by: Nefin Nightfire

Prototype: First Order Stormtrooper Armor

The First Order Stormtrooper Armor is an upgraded variant of its Imperial predecessor. This armor is more flexible thanks to an improved joint design. In addition to providing standard protection for the wearer's head, the stormtrooper helmet had both communication and targeting systems as well as the ability to filter out smoke.

Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Enhancement - I
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - I, Armor Helmet Upgrade - I, Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I, Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - I, or Enclosed Armor Upgrade - I
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Armor Cosmetic