Skitters ESR-02
(ID9 Seeker Droid)
Probe Droid
Droid Cosmetic: Black As Night
Droid Modification: Skitter Skitter
Droid Personality: Night Stalker
Owned by: General Stres'tron'garmis
Prototype: ID9 Seeker Droid
Slotted in: Skitters
The ID9 Seeker Droid is a model of probe droid consisting of a half-hemisphere dome with a red photoreceptor. It is equipped with four tentacle-like limbs with pincer hands, electro-shock prods, and a blaster. Additionally, they were capable of both hovering and crawling, as well as imitating the sounds of other droid models.
Skitters ESR-02 has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this ID9 Seeker Droid to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.
Due to the nature of Bleu's ID9 Seeker Droids, he's had them modified to no longer perform basic flight, having replaced the components with a stronger transmitter. This causes the ID9 to 'skitter' about much like certain species of arachnids.
While originally programmed to be a predatory style droid, the ID9 units known as Skitters have taken a divergent path. Having observed their master's nature and preference, they've taken to a lecherous streak. Skitters is known to both stalk its prey and to make off with unsecured items belonging to the fairer sex should it deem the target as desirable by its master's standards.