Mandalorian Armor

Mandalorian Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Armor Enhancement - I: Climate-Controlled Body Glove

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II: Energy Dispersion System (Advanced)

Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II: Re-entry Ready (Basic)

Armor Cosmetic: Mixed Worlds


Owned by: Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin

Prototype: Mandalorian Armor

The Mandalorian Armor is immediately recognizable, consisting of a helmet, shoulder pauldrons, wrist gauntlets, breastplate, codpiece, kneepads, as well as leg guards all clasped over a full body glove that provides both comfort and protection. The helmet possesses an iconic T-shaped visor as well as an antenna tipped with a rangefinder that can be pulled over the viewplate. The armor is constructed of durasteel, and is able to be pressurized via a toggle to allow the wearer to survive in space, toxic atmospheres, and under water.

Climate-Controlled Body Glove (Armor Enhancement - I)

Mandalorian Armor is fitted with a climate-controlled body-glove, that allows the wearer of this Mandalorian Armor to operate in extreme temperature conditions without loss of function, or freezing or burning to death.

Energy Dispersion System (Advanced) (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II)

Mandalorian Armor has been fitted with an advanced energy dispersion system and large energy sinks, allowing this Mandalorian Armor to mostly soak up stun and electrical discharge.

Re-entry Ready (Basic) (Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II)

Mandalorian Armor has been constructed with a reinforced exterior and fitted with seals to allow the wearer of the Mandalorian Armor to safely pass through Class I and II atmospheres from orbit with no severe weather present.

Mixed Worlds (Armor Cosmetic)

Aay'han has embraced both cultures from her parentage and her armour reflects it. Whilst the plating of the armour is a classic Mandalorian design in appearance it sports the durasteel metal to protect her. The fabric beneath the armour is of a more traditional Iridonian design an intermingling of tightly woven fabric and leathers. Upon the leather is a small amount of stamp detailing, though this is sparse the colouration geared towards natural camoflage to blend more into the wilderness.

The traditional helm has been converted to golden mask of a skull, its long tongue curving under her chin.