Hidden Blade Bracer

Hidden Blade Bracer
Type: Weapon (Bladed)
Category: Knuckler

Bladed Weapon Enhancement - I: Sharpened Edge

Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - I: Multi-Tool

Poison Weapon: Type II - Inhibiting

Melee Weapon Cosmetic: Blackout


Owned by: Ghost Luka Zarkot

Prototype: Hidden Blade Bracer

Slotted in: Luka

The Hidden Blade Bracer features a slender and sharp stiletto blade that is intended for quick, low-profile kills. The blade's defining feature is its ability to retract into the simple hide-bracer for concealment. While perfect for penetrating armor at the weak points, the blade is less durable than the common vibrodagger and is designed for swift stabbing motions rather than slashing.

Sharpened Edge (Bladed Weapon Enhancement - I)

Hidden Blade Bracer has been fitted with a blade honed and sharpened to maximize cutting power, making it easier for Luka Zarkot to push and cut directly into different materials that it comes in contact with. This perfectly straight, sharp blade, has limited friction on contact.

Multi-Tool (Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - I)

The handle of this Hidden Blade Bracer has been modified with a small multi-tool in the bottom, allowing Hidden Blade Bracer to be used to perform basic minor repairs.

Type II - Inhibiting (Poison Weapon)

Hidden Blade Bracer has been coated with a poison that can interfere with the body’s motor functions by targeting the muscles and nervous system. The affects can vary from the numbing, paralysis, or slowing of limbs to halting breathing and inducing seizures or sleep. The poison triggers on contact with the skin or bloodstream, with the most severe symptoms manifesting in the immediate area of the wound. Requires the "Poison Weapons Feat" on the Character Sheets to be effective in combat.

Blackout (Melee Weapon Cosmetic)

Hidden Blade Bracer has had every external component painted black as night. This allows this Hidden Blade Bracer to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.