CK-6 Swoop Bike Squadron

CK-6 Swoop Bike Squadron
Type: Scout Transport
Category: Speeder Bike

Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic: Chromium Plated


Owned by: Clan Odan-Urr

Prototype: CK-6 Swoop Bike Squadron

Slotted in: Royal Guard

The CK-6 Swoop Squadron is a collection of twenty CK-6 Swoops. Can be furnished to scout and special operations companies for additional functionality and mobility.

Chromium Plated (Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic)

CK-6 Swoop Bike Squadron has been coated in a thin layer of chromium, giving it a reflective mirror like finish. It gives this CK-6 Swoop Bike Squadron an unmistakable appearance that draws attention and gives an appearance of luxury.