Assault-class Frigate Mark II
Space Vehicle
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Capital Ship Upgrade: Empty
Owned by: Clan Vizsla
Prototype: Assault-class Frigate Mark II
Slotted in: Assault Group
The Assault-class Frigate Mark II is a 700-meter-long Cruiser that is a further development of the Dreadnaught-class cruiser modification project, which originally produced the Assault-Class Frigate Mark I. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great maneuverability and average speed, with average armor and great shielding. This vessel was further modified by the Rebel fleet, moving further away from the Dreadnaught-look and to something that is more original.
15 medium turbolaser batteries
10 heavy quad turbolaser cannons
15 heavy laser cannons
4,820 Crew for full effectiveness
100 Passengers
7,500 Metric tons of cargo
This slot is empty