E-XD Infiltrator Droid

E-XD Infiltrator Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Probe Droid

Droid Personality: Predatory Inclination

Droid Modification: Override

Droid Cosmetic: Black As Night


Owned by: Lord Marick Tyris Arconae

Prototype: E-XD Infiltrator Droid

Slotted in: 04 - Kirra's Stash

The E-XD Infiltrator Droid is an infiltration droid designed to resemble a protocol droid but outfitted with both built-in blasters as well as scanning and identifying various objects and lifeforms. They are also fitted with a proton warhead that is programmed to self-destruct if the unit is compromised while carrying out its specific mission. Designed for Grand Admiral Thrawn during the Age of the Empire to scour the Outer Rim Territories for rebel bases.

Predatory Inclination (Droid Personality)

E-XD Infiltrator Droid has developed a predatory nature similar to those often associated with assassin droids. As a result, E-XD Infiltrator Droid will often approach a situation with the mind set of a hunter, and convey their findings as such. This can be disconcerting to others who are unaccustomed to E-XD Infiltrator Droid.

Override (Droid Modification)

E-XD Infiltrator Droid has had most of the factory installed safety limitations on operation removed, both in the hardware and software, allowing this E-XD Infiltrator Droid to perform acts at the limits of its physical capabilities. This can make the droid stronger and more resiliant than a standard E-XD Infiltrator Droid, but at great risk to the droid itself or others.

Black As Night (Droid Cosmetic)

E-XD Infiltrator Droid has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this E-XD Infiltrator Droid to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.