
(Item Container)
Type/Category: Meta


  • Sith Scroll
  • Inquisitorius Stiletto
  • Cubed Intensity Holocron
  • Fellow Robes
  • Sith Tome
  • Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard Datapad
  • Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Hunter Attire
  • Brotherhood-issued Collegium Research Droid
  • Amethyst Kukri
  • Ruby Scepter
  • Royal Guard Force Pike
  • Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Blaster Pistol
  • Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard Armor
  • Inquisitor Armor
  • Lanvarok
  • Pyramidal Holocron
  • Researcher Robes
  • Ring of Visions
  • Brotherhood-issued Collegium Datapad
  • Pendant of Ascension
  • Ring of Transcendence
  • Brotherhood-issued Collegium Scanner
  • Brotherhood-issued Microsensory Stabilization Gloves
  • Brotherhood-issued Micro-Droid Swarm
  • Brotherhood-issued Combatant's Foam Hand
  • Brotherhood-issued Computer Linked Gauntlets
  • Brotherhood-issued Combatant's Personal Stereo
  • Brotherhood-issued Envoy Charm
  • Brotherhood-issued Envoy Droid
  • Brotherhood-issued Envoy Threads
  • Brotherhood-issued Golden Envoy Badge
  • Brotherhood-issued Synergy CX-17m ICWS
  • Emerald Dagger
  • Brotherhood-issued Legion's Eye
  • Shadow Academy Sith Sword
  • Brotherhood-issued Envoy Essentials Kit
  • Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard TactiX Armor
  • Brotherhood-issued Envoy Broach
  • Brotherhood-issued Judge's Datapad
  • Brotherhood-issued Judge's Hammer
  • Brotherhood-issued Judge's Seal

Owned by: Adept Mune Cinteroph

Container usable to group items