History & Culture

History & Culture
(Item Container)
Type/Category: Meta


  • Rumours, Myths, and Lies - The Mysterious One Sith
  • The Light Restored - An Unabridged History of New Jedi Order
  • Turncoats and Opportunists - A Comprehensive Text on the Empire's Inquisitorius
  • The Army of Light: An Unabridged History
  • Dal Konur and the Mistakes of a Militant Mind
  • Rituals of the Krath Cult
  • History, Ideologies, and Combat Tactics of the Knights of Zakuul
  • The Revenant King: The Rise, Fall, and Haunting of Exar Kun
  • Watchmen and Diplomats: An Analysis of Jedi Service to the Republic
  • Not Soldiers - A History of Jedi Diplomatic & Peacekeeping Efforts
  • The Teachings, Failings, and Ideals of the Jedi Covenant
  • The Golden Age of the Sith - The Rise and Fall of the First Sith Empire
  • The Rule of Two - Origins and Ideological Foundations
  • Forgotten Battlefields: A True History of the Clone Wars
  • The Code of Yencarn Osen and its Meanings
  • From the Ashes: A History of Ossus, the Jedi, and the Ysanna
  • The History of the Jensaarai Order
  • No Good Deed - The Official Word of Our Emperor and the Original History That Must be Forgotten
  • The Rise and Fall of the Rakatan Infinite Empire
  • Survivors of Order 66: Sects, Cults, Individuals, and their Methods of Survival
  • Yuuzhan Vong technology and creatures
  • Chaos and the Netherworld of the Force
  • Combat Methods & Philosophies of the Morgukai cult
  • Fear Itself: The Cult of Darth Phobos
  • An Unabridged History of the Hundred-Year Darkness and Its Consequences
  • Empire's End - History of Warlord States and the Imperial Remnant
  • Of Gods and Monsters - A History of Onderon, the Jedi, and the Sith
  • Operation Shadow Hand - Prelude, Battles, Outcome, & Aftermath
  • The Great Sith War - Prelude, Major Battles, and Legacy
  • The Unsung War: Accounts of the Yuuzhan Vong Conflict
  • The Krath Holy Crusade and Later Cults
  • Creatures of the Outer Dark
  • Cronal, Blackhole, Shadowspawn - An Examination of Palpatine's Monster-Maker
  • Independent Orders: Known Jedi Order Splinter Factions
  • Jedi Training Methods and Lessons During the Golden Age of the Old Republic
  • The Black Fleet Crisis - Battlefield Records and Fleet Movements
  • The Celestials, Killiks, & Rakatan Infinite Empire - Architects of Fate
  • The Hidden Truth: Teachings of Nikkos Tyris
  • Training, Recruitment, and Torture Methods, of the Inquisitorius
  • A Detailed Record of the Ruusan Reformations
  • The Seeds of Rebellion - Early Rebel Groups, Clone Wars Remnants, and the Marek Bloodline
  • A Detailed Historic & Cultural Examination of the Kiast System
  • Ancient Sith Dialects - Translations and Evolution
  • The Idiot's Guide to Playing Sabacc
  • The Genius of Subjective Truth - Historical Revisionism in the Early Imperial and Late New Republic Governments
  • Major and Minor Criminal Organisations of the Outer Rim
  • The Fallacy of War by Codus Romanthus
  • Heroes Of The Republic by Madelein Aurin
  • Galactic Slavery - Methods, Major Organisations, Tactics, and Economics
  • Anti-Jedi Sentiment - History and Causes
  • The Aing-Tii - An Unabridged Historical and Cultural Guide
  • The Mysteries of Iokath
  • The Mongrel Order - Philosophical Views of the Jensaarai
  • Events, Strategies, and Tactics of the Thrawn campaign
  • Fighting Shadows - The Victory of Darth Sidious and Sith Manipulations

Owned by: Nikora Rhan

Slotted in: The Yastobaal

Container usable to group items

Items (55/100)
Rumours, Myths, and Lies - The Mysterious One Sith (Sith Order Holobook)
The Light Restored - An Unabridged History of New Jedi Order (Jedi Order Holobook)
Turncoats and Opportunists - A Comprehensive Text on the Empire's Inquisitorius (Inquisitorius Holobook)
The Army of Light: An Unabridged History (Jedi Order Scroll)
Dal Konur and the Mistakes of a Militant Mind (Jedi Order Holobook)
Rituals of the Krath Cult (Family Heirloom)
History, Ideologies, and Combat Tactics of the Knights of Zakuul (Sith Order Holobook)
The Revenant King: The Rise, Fall, and Haunting of Exar Kun (Datadisk)
Watchmen and Diplomats: An Analysis of Jedi Service to the Republic (Jedi Order Scroll)
Not Soldiers - A History of Jedi Diplomatic & Peacekeeping Efforts (Jedi Order Holobook)
The Teachings, Failings, and Ideals of the Jedi Covenant (Datadisk)
The Golden Age of the Sith - The Rise and Fall of the First Sith Empire (Datadisk)
The Rule of Two - Origins and Ideological Foundations (Sith Order Scroll)
Forgotten Battlefields: A True History of the Clone Wars (Basic Datapad)
The Code of Yencarn Osen and its Meanings (Jedi Order Scroll)
From the Ashes: A History of Ossus, the Jedi, and the Ysanna (Datadisk)
The History of the Jensaarai Order (Sith Order Scroll)
No Good Deed - The Official Word of Our Emperor and the Original History That Must be Forgotten (Inquisitorius Holobook)
The Rise and Fall of the Rakatan Infinite Empire (Datadisk)
Survivors of Order 66: Sects, Cults, Individuals, and their Methods of Survival (Sith Order Holobook)
Yuuzhan Vong technology and creatures (Datadisk)
Chaos and the Netherworld of the Force (Sith Order Scroll)
Combat Methods & Philosophies of the Morgukai cult (Offensive Operations Holobook)
Fear Itself: The Cult of Darth Phobos (Sith Order Holobook)
An Unabridged History of the Hundred-Year Darkness and Its Consequences (Sith Order Holobook)
Empire's End - History of Warlord States and the Imperial Remnant (Basic Datapad)
Of Gods and Monsters - A History of Onderon, the Jedi, and the Sith (Datadisk)
Operation Shadow Hand - Prelude, Battles, Outcome, & Aftermath (Datadisk)
The Great Sith War - Prelude, Major Battles, and Legacy (Datadisk)
The Unsung War: Accounts of the Yuuzhan Vong Conflict (Datadisk)
The Krath Holy Crusade and Later Cults (Datadisk)
Creatures of the Outer Dark (Sith Order Holobook)
Cronal, Blackhole, Shadowspawn - An Examination of Palpatine's Monster-Maker (Datadisk)
Independent Orders: Known Jedi Order Splinter Factions (Jedi Order Holobook)
Jedi Training Methods and Lessons During the Golden Age of the Old Republic (Jedi Order Scroll)
The Black Fleet Crisis - Battlefield Records and Fleet Movements (Datadisk)
The Celestials, Killiks, & Rakatan Infinite Empire - Architects of Fate (Datadisk)
The Hidden Truth: Teachings of Nikkos Tyris (Sith Order Scroll)
Training, Recruitment, and Torture Methods, of the Inquisitorius (Inquisitorius Holobook)
A Detailed Record of the Ruusan Reformations (Jedi Order Scroll)
The Seeds of Rebellion - Early Rebel Groups, Clone Wars Remnants, and the Marek Bloodline (Datadisk)
A Detailed Historic & Cultural Examination of the Kiast System (Datadisk)
Ancient Sith Dialects - Translations and Evolution (Datadisk)
The Idiot's Guide to Playing Sabacc (Datadisk)
The Genius of Subjective Truth - Historical Revisionism in the Early Imperial and Late New Republic Governments (Syndicate Holobook)
Major and Minor Criminal Organisations of the Outer Rim (Syndicate Holobook)
The Fallacy of War by Codus Romanthus (Datadisk)
Heroes Of The Republic by Madelein Aurin (Datadisk)
Galactic Slavery - Methods, Major Organisations, Tactics, and Economics (Syndicate Holobook)
Anti-Jedi Sentiment - History and Causes (Jedi Order Holobook)
The Aing-Tii - An Unabridged Historical and Cultural Guide (Datadisk)
The Mysteries of Iokath (Datadisk)
The Mongrel Order - Philosophical Views of the Jensaarai (Sith Order Holobook)
Events, Strategies, and Tactics of the Thrawn campaign (Datadisk)
Fighting Shadows - The Victory of Darth Sidious and Sith Manipulations (Datadisk)