Journeyman Brotherhood Robes

Journeyman Brotherhood Robes
Type: Armor
Category: Special Armor

Armor Enhancement - II: Sneakers

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II: Vacuum/Zero-G Seal

Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II: Re-entry Ready (Basic)

Special Armor Category: Medium Armor

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Battlemaster Elaine Conrat

Prototype: Journeyman Brotherhood Robes

The Journeyman Brotherhood Robes are attire available to all who join the ranks of the Journeyman class. It consists of attire designed by the Herald of the Brotherhood as a mark of position and prestige of higher relative prominence than that of the Novitiates. A rank class defined by its devotion and willingness to learn.

Sneakers (Armor Enhancement - II)

The boots on this Journeyman Brotherhood Robes have been enhanced with incredibly sound absorbent soles, muting the wearer's footfalls unless they are moving faster than a jogging pace.

Vacuum/Zero-G Seal (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II)

This Journeyman Brotherhood Robes has been fitted with various zero-g/vacuum seals complete with helmet scrubbers, allowing the user the ability to operate in zero-g environments and the vacuum of space while providing them with a limited supply of breathable air.

Re-entry Ready (Basic) (Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II)

Journeyman Brotherhood Robes has been constructed with a reinforced exterior and fitted with seals to allow the wearer of the Journeyman Brotherhood Robes to safely pass through Class I and II atmospheres from orbit with no severe weather present.

Medium Armor (Special Armor Category)

Journeyman Brotherhood Robes provides moderate protection. It can withstand cuts and blows but will buckle against the heavy blunt force of 2-3 direct strikes from bladed weapons. Glancing hits from blasters and slugthrowers are mitigated.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Armor Cosmetic